Learning how to write faster today will help you increase your daily word count and create more emotionally engaging content.
By Matthew L. Hart
Writer & Humorist
Author of:
Uncle Matty's Halloween: Jokes, Bits & Anecdotes

"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed."
Having enough time to write is the greatest obstacle for most writers. Today, you will learn how to write faster to get the most out of your limited writing time and meet those deadlines.
If you only have ten or fifteen minutes to write, you don't want to waste any of them 'getting in the mood' to write. Take out your anchor, set it on your desk and get to work. You may find that your word count increases during this small chunk of time as you begin to write faster.
Most small sand timers will easily fit into your pocket and are perfect for the second quick tip that you can use today to help you write faster.

"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed."
- Ernest Hemingway
Having enough time to write is the greatest obstacle for most writers. Today, you will learn how to write faster to get the most out of your limited writing time and meet those deadlines.
Here are 3 quick tips you can use today that will help you write faster:
TIP #1: Prime Your Writing Session
Get your mind ready to write faster by using an anchor.
An anchor is a physical object that you will use to trigger your subconscious mind when it's time for you to write.
Using an anchor is a fun way to shift your mindset so you can write faster.
If you only have ten or fifteen minutes to write, you don't want to waste any of them 'getting in the mood' to write. Take out your anchor, set it on your desk and get to work. You may find that your word count increases during this small chunk of time as you begin to write faster.
Finding the right anchor for your project can also be a fun artist date for yourself.
Look for a physical item that might represent a character in your story or match the mood or style of your story. But, make sure your anchor is small enough for you to carry around with you easily.
One of my favorite anchors to use is a sand timer.
Most small sand timers will easily fit into your pocket and are perfect for the second quick tip that you can use today to help you write faster.
TIP #2: Use A Timer
Using a timer will give you a sense of urgency.
When you sit down to write, set a timer or select a sand timer, that is between three and fifteen minutes. Challenge yourself to write from your stream of consciousness. This will help you to write faster and create more emotionally engaging content.
This tip gets you to write faster by giving you a safe place to start.
Any writer can write something for three to fifteen minutes. Even if you're writing something like, "I can't think of anything to write. This is so silly. What am I supposed to write about? I can't think of anything at all."
Eventually, the act of writing will turn into productive writing.
Write yourself questions about your project and then try answering them with as much detail as you can before time runs out. You may find that you hit a flow and forget about that writing timer all together.
TIP #3: Create Writing Sessions and Editing Sessions
Keep the Editor out of your writing sessions.
Nothing slows you down faster than going back to fix something. Whether it's spelling, grammar, or just reading what you just wrote, these bad writing habits slam the breaks on your ability to write faster.
Setting aside separate times to write and to edit will make you better at both.
When you give each writing activity their own space, you will become much more focused on each task and become better at it. Once you start practicing this quick tip, you will stop being interrupted by your editor and start to write faster.
Start right now! Practicing these 3 quick tips you can use today that will help you write faster.
I hope you learned how to write faster with these 3 quick tips.
What else do you do to help yourself write faster?
Continue your journey:
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