We are told to write every day. But, how many of us actually struggle to do this? Let's write for 7 days! Let's write, today.
LET'S WRITE: Day 1 - Breakfast at Tiffany's
By Matthew L. Hart
Writer & Humorist
Author of:
Uncle Matty's Halloween: Jokes, Bits & Anecdotes

I'll primarily be using The Writer's Toolbox by Jamie Cat Callan to prompt my 7 day writing challenge but feel free to do yours however you'd like.

"Write every day even if it is just a paragraph."
- Michael Connelly
Protagonist: Angelo, with the lover in Long Island
First Sentence: I had this system for getting exactly what I wanted out of people.
I had this system for getting exactly what I wanted out of people. It's, 11:35pm. Did I set the clock back an hour? I'm sure I did.
Angelo's six-cylinder, twin-turbo engine cycled up a few more RPM's and his headlights struggled to keep pace ahead of his black Porsche 911.
Not a lot of traffic coming out of Long Island, tonight. Good. I should be home by midnight. Ann won't be off her shift until midnight, anyway. I'll be showered and in bed by the time she comes home. She'll probably even kiss me for starting a load of laundry.
Sixth-Sense Card: sticky raspberry yogurt
I could have my cake and eat it, too. Well, maybe not cake, exactly. It was raspberry yogurt. Sticky raspberry yogurt. I never really liked breakfast food before. I mean, I never really liked breakfast food for breakfast. Breakfast for dessert. That was pretty amazing. Creamy. Smooth...Thick. Why raspberry? Who chose raspberry? Who chose yogurt? She already had the yogurt. Maybe she liked rolling those little seeds around on her tongue. She was pretty good with her tongue. I should get Ann to pick up some yogurt. After all, it is the most important meal of the day.
I'll primarily be using The Writer's Toolbox by Jamie Cat Callan to prompt my 7 day writing challenge but feel free to do yours however you'd like.
Writing everyday is a great step towards becoming a Master Storyteller.
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