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Once you learn to write faster, you will improve your daily word count, shut off your inner editor and meet your writing goals.
Here are 3 Insane Methods to Help You Write Faster
1. Drink Lots of Water and Hold it in
Drinking water during your writing session benefits you in these two ways:
First, you will be well hydrated.
Now, I'm not a dietitian, physician or scientist of any kind, but I have noticed that when I rehydrate my body, especially after waking up in the morning, I have a more sustained increase of my energy levels.
Without the buzz of chemical stimulants coursing through my synapses, it also seemed to me that I could even think more clearly and with more focus throughout my writing session.
However, try to moderate your fluid intake as even drinking too much water, too quickly, can be hazardous to your health. This causes a condition called hyponatremia.
So, before you try this insane method to help you write faster, consult your physician first.
Second, you can create a stronger sense of urgency by putting nature's call on hold.
Since you're already having the conversation with your doctor about how much water you should drink, be sure to ask them if resisting the urge to urinate might also be hazardous to your health before you try this insane method to help you write faster.
Did I mention these were insane methods?
Anyway, even putting off using the restroom for a moment while you finish writing your next sentence, one more paragraph, or until you finish the current page, you will have undoubtedly motivated your fingers to move even faster over the keyboard.
If your doctor or physician has given you the green light to try this insane method to help you write faster, you might notice yourself becoming a speedy wet-your-pantser in no time!
2. Race the Timer for "Pinks"
Racing the timer with your work at stake will help you write faster in two ways:
First, you will be able to measure your progress.
By averaging out your daily word count over the week and comparing it against the previous week's average daily word count, you will be setting a measurable goal.
Each week, your goal will simply be to write more words than the previous week, during a set amount of time.
To do this, set a timer for fifteen minutes or use a Benzara Metal/Glass Quarter Hourglass with 15 Minutes Time Interval for added fun.
Sand timers also have the added benefit of being really cool looking and useful desk ornaments, as well as a writing anchor to signal your subconscious mind that it's time to write.
I also use sand timers a lot for this sort of thing because I feel even more motivated to write faster when I can see the last few sand grains running out.
Second, you'll be putting your whole week's work at stake if you miss the goal.
That's right. Did you forget these were insane methods to help you write faster?
If your current week's average daily word count didn't exceed your previous week's average daily word count, you must forfeit your work to the delete button.
Now you're really feeling the pain, and pain is an excellent motivator. But, don't worry. This insane method to help you write faster also has the added bonus benefit of helping you to write better.
By forcing yourself to reach ever-increasing word counts, you will naturally shut down your inner critic because you will not want to go back to re-read and fiddle with what you've just written down. And, furthermore...
Once you have deleted this weeks work, you will now be forced to rewrite it.
You will notice that your word count will probably increase throughout the next week, simply because you're already familiar with the work and outline.
But, I challenge you to only re-write from memory. If you do this, chances are you will only write what sticks. And, what sticks are usually the good parts worth remembering.
3. Enslave Yourself to Your Writing
Writing competitively against a writing partner has two added benefits:
First, you and your writing partner will hold each other accountable.
To win the race, you have to show up to the race. I mean this literally and metaphorically.
You will actually be racing your writing partner for the greatest weekly average daily word count by using the fifteen minute timer method we discussed previously.
But, you can only do that if you both show up.
Pick a fun place the two (or more) of you can write. Maybe a coffee shop or library, park, whatever. Maybe you get a group together and start taking bets.
Whatever works best for you, just show up, set the timer and off you go.
If you can do this every day, you will not only be building your daily writing habit, you might actually start enjoying the writing process as well.
But, that in itself is not an insane method to help you write faster, now is it? Which brings me to the next benefit of writing with your writing partner.
Second, by putting your own labor and/or pride at stake, you will be more motivated to write faster.
Now, that's pretty insane, right?
Before you begin the week's competition, you must first come to terms. These will be your stakes.
Will it be doing chores for your writing partner all next week? How about washing the cat? Or, taking the other's place on that blind date your grandmother set you up with?
Before you begin the week's competition, you must first come to terms. These will be your stakes.
Will it be doing chores for your writing partner all next week? How about washing the cat? Or, taking the other's place on that blind date your grandmother set you up with?
Whatever you decide to put at stake, you must stick to it.
Much like racing the timer for "pinks," what you choose to put at stake has got to be miserable enough that you never want to let it happen again.
Now, those are some insane methods to help you write faster! Or, maybe I'm just a bit sadistic?
One thing's for sure, once you learn to write faster, you will increase your daily word counts, shut down your inner editor and start meeting your writing goals all the more quickly.
I hope you enjoy using these 3 insane methods to help you write faster.
Have you tried any of these insane methods?
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